Data Commons Coop’s New Look

Board Member Colombene Gorton designed the new DCC logo and worked on design and content for the new website with Steve Ediger.
As you might have noticed on our newly redesigned website launched in March, DCC has a new logo and identity system. It was inspired by the original website header designed by Ethan Miller in 2011 which referenced a needle and thread weaving together the cooperative economy from the material provided by our members. Along with being due for an update (design moves fast on the internet!), we needed a logo that could stand alone and work in different contexts, sizes and on different backgrounds.
In browsing the web for inspiration, I came upon the amazing quilts of Lorrie Cranor. No stranger to data, Lorrie is a computer science professor and director of the CyLab Usable Privacy and Security laboratory at Carnegie Mellon. One of her pieces is referenced with permission in the header and footer of our new website.
There are several forms and formats of our new logo. The most elaborate one references quilting more literally as seen with a needle and thread below.

At it’s most simple, there are a few color patches which look like pixels but also abstractly form the letters D and C. You can see this in our website favicon (the icon in the browser bar).

Hopefully you’ll see a lot more of our new logo and look as we ramp up with more outreach and materials in the months to come. Sign up for email updates to ensure you’re in the loop.
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